In World War II, she helped the U.S. Navy solve their problem with sharks by developing shark repellent. Sharks had a habit of setting off underwater explosive devices, foiling U.S. plans to blow up German U boats . She met diplomat Paul Child when she was working for the OSS, and they married. When Paul was posted to Paris, Julia trained at the famous Cordon Bleu cooking school and began her second life as a chef.'
Quoted from 'The Daring Book for Girls'
by Buchanan and Peskowitz, Harper Collins, 2007
The next time you are on the subway or waiting in line at the bank or in line at the local coffee shop and see an elderly person quietly drinking their tea, having a meal or waiting to be served you might speculate on what kind of life they led before they grew old. Chances are, that elderly person has seen and done things in life that would seem unbelievable to you.
After all, that man sitting in the corner with his teacup was not born elderly.