Saturday, March 14, 2009

Political Muscle(s)

There has been some recent discussion about aspects of Michelle Obama's wardrobe. Not that I am any authority on women's clothing but the interest seems to focus on the fact that she buys sleeveless dresses. Michelle Obama lifts weights and, as a result has sculpted arms and wears outfits to showcase her hard work in the gym. Personally, I think this is a good thing. The First Lady should be more than a talking hat rack or philanthropic extension of her husband's office. She should serve as a role model to women from all walks of life in more ways than just her actions. The First Lady can have muscles so can you! Nancy Reagan would not have been caught dead in a sleeveless dress. Laura Bush would have been hacked to pieces by the media for wearing so much as a t shirt. Ladybird Johnson? Nah!

Obama is smart, professional, savvy and fit. Leading by example is the best kind of leadership.
Arnold Schwarzenegger look out. There's a new Terminator in town...and she wears a dress!