Monday, March 9, 2009

Guerilla Parenting

My children recently tried to sit and listen to a reading of the classic story, 'Alice in Wonderland'. Needless to say, (especially in an abbreviated version) the story of the March Hare, the Queen of Hearts and the rest of the nutty characters running around yelling nonsense and forcing Alice to perform any number of strange contorsions and privations to navigate the creepy landscape of 'Wonderland' in search of God only knows what, led my girls to ask the question, "Why was this book so popular?"

I took this opportunity to inform my daughters in my best fatherly voice that, I did'nt know why the book was a classic but the important thing here is to see how "this is how people think and behave when they take drugs!" The confusion of poor Alice mirrored the confusion on my daughters faces and, since Alice was totally at the mercy of creatures who had no basis in reality and who spoke a dialogue that also had no basis in reality, I am pretty sure that this impressed them greatly.
Score one for Dad!
To make my message about drugs really stick, next week I plan on showing them a videotape of a Pink Floyd concert.