Bill Belichik - Head Coach of the New England Patriots
"We could be heroes, just for one day."
Heroes - David Bowie
As a husband, father, brother, son and doctor I have had to come up with a way to compartmentalize my life so that my day can run smoothly and all of the tasks and projects can be completed efficiently.
Job: My 'job' can best be described as the way I choose to conduct my life. My job in life is to be; healthy, be a good husband and father, to be productive, creative and to basically look out and protect my physical and emotional health for the longest time possible. This is the most important category because if I do not conduct the fundamental aspects of my life in a healthy way then the other two parts of my life will not work. My 'job' includes; exercising, eating correctly, sleeping soundly, taking time to laugh, spend time with my family and cultivate meaningful relationships.
Business: My 'business' is running my medical practice every day. This is what I do to generate income for my family, and it is where I work closely with other people. My business is what I do every day in the community that require people skills, management skills and conflict resolution skills. The business is the venue where I practice my profession and spend capital I have built in the life that I have created by doing my 'job'.
Profession: My 'profession' is to be a medical doctor. This required years of study, sacrifice and comittment to achieve. Now my 'profession' requires daily practice and dedication to constant learning and development within this complex and demanding line of work.