David Kirke
David Kirke is credited for creating the idea of bungee jumping. He and his friends came up with the idea to jump from a suspension bridge in North Somerset, England. One of the founding members of the Dangerous Sports Club while at a student at Oxford, he and his friends decided to try the idea out using elastic cords over a 245 foot drop. In April, 1979, while spectators looked on, Kirke, dressed in a top hat and tails and clutching a bottle of champagne did a back flip from the bridge and excecuted the first successful bungee jump in history.
Now 63 years old Kirke is proud of his idea and legacy for thrill seekers everywhere. On April 1st, the sport of bungee jumping will be 30 years old. If you are a regular bungee jumper your knees and back will feel 50 years old.
Reference: The Week. March 20, 2009