Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thoughts for Fathers of Young Children

When you kiss your daughter good night and she looks up at you and asks you to tell her a story from your own childhood before she closes her eyes,
What do you remember?

When your little son looks up from his morning cereal and wants to know how fast you could run when you were his age,
What do you remember?

In the lifetime before house payments and bills, the nightly news and the morning alarm clock there was a time when the world was different. In the years before you 'grew up' it was easier to tell jokes, to laugh and to make friends. Being a kid was the best thing ever.

A squished bug was almost as good as a lightning bug.

The outcome of a baseball game was a matter of life or death.

You thought you would throw up when you sneaked a puff on your grandfather’s cigar.

Staying clean was the last thing on your mind.

Everything was funny. Everything.

Summer vacation really lasted a whole year.

Mosquito bites itched less.

Sissy bars weren’t for sissy’s.

Toads did give you warts…and you could prove it.

Gum wasn't just for chewing.

Nobody wore bike helmets or seat belts.

Heroes were everywhere and they always won.

Santa Clause really did leave footprints in the snow on the roof of your house on Christmas Eve and you did hear the jingling of sleigh bells deep in the snowy night one year.

So the next time your young son or daughter looks up and asks you to tell them a story about your childhood, remember how you felt when the world was larger, funnier, scarier and just plain better than it is now.

Make sure to tell them all about it.

Don’t leave anything out.