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So I am here to proudly announce my newest invention/company; 'Filswillert Inc.'. I have yet to register the company with the State and pay the fees, there is no Board formed and the business plan may pop into my head over coffee while I'm driving to work next Thursday. The factory has not been built yet but I do have my personal parking space set up in my mind where my new BMW will go. This idea will revolutionize something. I don't know what but it will revolutionize something...or somebody...or someones pet. Something! Really.
So stay tuned to your local news channel for updates and when you go to bed at night and say your prayers for the children in Africa, the President and the Economy don't forget to meditate for at least 10 seconds on Filswillert. By keeping Filswillert in your thoughts your name will automatically be added to the list of involved stockholders that will help run the company and change the universe. Your good vibes will assure you a dividend check from the Filswillert Fund once we get it on the stock exchange. The Filswillert Diversification Equity Management Fundiplication Solidarity Group (FDEMFSG) will eventually include every carbon based life form on the planet so you might as well get used to the idea and sign up early so you can get in on some of the valuable coupons and get an early start on the Christmas Club. If you have enough miles with your Filswillert Credit Card (from the Filswillert Global First Bank and Trust) then you can rent one of the corporate jets and...charge it.
Filswillert Inc. is absolutely going to change the way everyone thinks about everything so just as soon as I clean out the garage on Saturday and help the kids with their homework I'm going to really get busy and plan to make some phone calls. After all, being the CEO of a global conglomerate is a big responsibility.
Remember our global slogan, 'Filswillert: By the Future, For the Future and With the Future!'.
Filswillert is the registered trademark of The Filswillert Corporation and Filswillert Inc. and may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission from the Filswillert World Headquarters.