Friday, December 12, 2008

Work, Legacy and Cairo Stand

Artists, musicians, performers, authors, film makers and craftspeople are all known to create some thing which is loosely referred to as 'a body of work'. These artists create work which can be viewed or listened to over and over and will last through generations. The rich and colorful expressions we see and hear could not have existed without these people. The world is clearly a much more vibrant and interesting place with the art, music and beautiful crafts they have created for all of us to enjoy. Here you see a promotional photo of a creative band called, Cairo Stand. Their music is the result of their energy, skill and ambition. The band's musical recordings are their legacy; their 'body of work'.

Doctors, teachers, lawyers, priests, social workers and others who work in the human service professions also contribute to the human experience just as the artists do. In their own way, they too create a 'body of work' but just not in quite the same way. Doctors, for example are presumed to create a landscape of healthy people wherever they go so their 'body of work' can be found everywhere. Teachers, too generate a tremendous legacy in how they teach and guide children and adults through the educational process. Parents who raise their children with care and respect have certainly created a 'body of work' that will be their legacy.

To paraphrase a famous sociologist, meaningful work is work that is 'complex, interesting and offers a clear correlation between effort and reward. Meaningful work is more than just showing up at a job until you get fired or you die'. Finding our true life's work may actually take much of our lifetime.

Those of us who do not paint, sing, have recording contracts or belong to the Screen Actors Guild can still produce our own 'body of work'. We can all create a memorable and lasting legacy among our family, co workers and friends by committing to good physical and emotional health, making good choices in our friendships and relationships and choosing meaningful work.

Cairo Stand has been producing rock music in New England and Los Angeles since 1982 and have produced three albums. The band's discography contains no less than 44 songs, tours and interviews.