Toby Storie-Pugh is co-founder of
Flying Kites Kenya and
Flying Kites Global. When he is not in Kenya with his long time friend and colleague, Leila de Brunye and their volunteer caregivers, he focuses his rescue efforts on the dying, abandoned and abused children in the slums of New Delhi, India. We recieved word that for the past month Toby has been living with the children who sleep on the railway platform in New Delhi. When the trains come in they dispense some of their left over food to the abandoned children. Toby is currently
living in the train station comforting, feeding and protecting the children he has met there while using his cell phone to organize local volunteers and rescue efforts to support still more children.

When my wife and I think of young adults we would like our daughters to emulate we will often talk of Leila, Toby, Justine, Kaitlyn, James, Ryan and all of the dozens of volunteers of Flying Kites. These young people live and work with orphans and abandoned children often at great personal risk in India and Kenya.
Visit these extraordinary volunteers on their website at: