Toby has discovered a new recipe to help cure hunger and dehydration; Fanta orange soda and Pringles potato chips. These ingredients contain calories, salt, sugar, water and....thats it. All you need are vitamins, nutrients, anti oxidants, fruits, vegetables, protein, amino acids and a few minerals and you have the perfect food/beverage combination.
'Third World Gatorade' is going to hit someday soon so buy stock in Pringles potato chips and start stocking up on Fanta. Kids will love it. The village elders will talk about it as they soak their chips in Fanta to smooth out the edges and pre digest the salty goodness. Teenagers can trade the cans of Pringles and swap soda bottles to get some root beer or cola flavors instead of (hungrily) buying RPG's on eBay and listening to state sponsored radio propaganda while riding (thirstily) through the Third World streets late at night in their Buick's.