That, of course, lets the crackpot in.
But if you cannot tell a crackpot when you see one, then you ought to be taken in."
Harry S. Truman
I worry about my daughters and fret over the partners they will choose as adults. It is intensely interesting to me to hear how others have coped with this source of stress and to be an observer as young families in my practice grow and disperse. The life stories and experiences that people have are far more interesting than the life events of the rich and famous in the tabloid magazines that seem to appear in our office lunchroom. I was speaking to a patient today whose daughter has recently been married. The patient seemed pretty pleased with the match but is not sure how things will work out. This daughter has been in my practice for several years so hearing that she had survived her teen years and gone on to forge a serious relationship and ultimately become married was a great relief. I do not have any sons so I have no idea how fathers and mothers cope with the hazzards and trials of growing teenagers. I do recall being one once but it was a lot more fun being an adult.
The wiley 'crackpot' is always out there, lurking in the malls and college campuses. This chap may look like an upstanding citizen and may have a pedigree or resume that proclaims him to be someone who might impress me as a future father-in-law. But I have a sneaking suspicion that my young daughters will have a few bumps along life's road as they navigate along, veering around the various crazy people, crackpots, co dependents and other types that threaten to derail their happiness along life's highway. As a professional 'Crackpot Spotter' I will be ever on the alert for these ne'er-do-wells that may come along. My daughters are just going to have to put up with my superior judgement and go along with my suggestions as they grow older.
Father knows best....not!
*Cartoon Credit: Lawrence Gilson