This is Spinal Tap, 1984
We all need priorities even if some of our priorities are simple and misguided. In one famous pseudo rock-umentary, the metal band Spinal Tap finds itself performing before a "festival crowd" and the band, noting the promotional marquis are dismayed to find that they are billed second to a local puppet show. Rather than absorb this obvious slight, the band takes the stage and tries to perform a jazz metal set written (on the spur of the moment) by the bass player, Derek Smalls. The band has fared poorly and the puppet show crowd has thinned measurably.
We can all learn from the antics of the anti heros of the Spinal Tap saga as they drift without purpose like tiny steel balls in the great pachinco game of the American landscape trying to keep their integrity in the face of endless and dismal failure and disappointment. We realize that we will never sacrifice our self esteem as they have! Each morning as we get up to go to work we can look in the mirror with the assurance and know that in our own lives we will always recieve top billing.
Moral: Always put yourself first and the puppet show second.
Cartoon Credit: Lawrence Gilson